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Contact Us


Fill out the contact form to the right, and a member of the Community Catalysts team will be in touch shortly!


Community Catalysts

422 E. Grand River Avenue

Howell, MI 48843

Send us an email

Thank you!

Would you like to be part of a team that is making a difference? Your skills may be just what we need on our current or next project!  

Either fill out the form with information about yourself and how you’d like to help, or find a volunteer opportunity on the calendar and sign yourself up! 




1. Tell Us About Yourself  

2. Submit Project Details   

3. Partner on a Project



COMMUNITY CATALYSTS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created to:


Provide Funding for Affordable Housing | Consult and Partner on Affordable Housing and Services


contact us: | Howell, Michigan

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